16 August 2014

Soundtrack of Your Life: Walgreens Pharmacy

An occasional feature in which we mark the songs of our relative youth as played over public muzak systems. 

Date: 16 August 2014, 5:28 p.m.
Place: Walgreens Pharmacy queue
Song:  "Never Had Nobody Like You"
Artist: M. Ward
Irony Matrix: 5 out of 10
Comment: A fairly recent song, from this decade, so "relative youth" is relative, but I don't associate the indie darling of the new millennium with drugstore soundtracks. It is an old-fashioned tune. And it did help the time pass and reduce the anxiety of waiting in line for hydroxyzine, of all things. This is the best Walgreens track since the grunge version of Neil Young's "Hey Hey, My My (Out of the Blue)" in the cold-and-flu aisle.

Playing word association to link back to a classic, because we feel like it, here's "Nobody But You," from Lou Reed and John Cale:

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